Ophelia's Crochet Every Day In November Challenge


Ophelia's Crochet Every Day In November Challenge

Dearest Ophelians, 

During the month of November I would like to challenge you to crochet every day. Set some time aside for yourself to do some crochet even if it is just for five minutes before going to bed. 

While I know that some of you might already crochet every day, others might not find it so easy to find the time to do so. But imagine what you could accomplish if you were to crochet every day. 

So I would like to give you the opportunity, not only to give yourself some me-time every day but also to finish certain projects that you are working on. 


To cross some projects off that list. And to make a start on your Christmas presents. This way you will be ahead of yourself by the time December starts. 

If commitments mean you can’t spend the time crocheting, just try and do a little catch up the next day, or not … Just be especially conscious of our fabulous hobby which brings us so much joy during the month of November.

Take a picture of your work in progress every day and post it to your own social media using the hashtag #CrochetEverydayNovember (just type this in the post you do).  

If you then click on the hashtag you will see similar posts with that same hashtag. 

Do make sure you only post your Ophelia Talks projects in our group Ophelia Talks Crochet on Facebook, but there are many other groups you can also post them in, and there you can post your other projects too. 

Don’t forget Instagram, Twitter and TikTok. 

So let’s get those WIPs finished, Christmas presents started and some lovely hours spent crocheting in November! 


Feel free to promote this # so more people can take part in the challenge. 

There is a free download in our shop which you can get so you can indicate the time spent crocheting every day, or what projects you plan on doing… Organising your yarn or just spending some time looking at your stash also counts.

Let’s have fun crocheting in November! 

Happy crocheting, 

Anja x