Greenway Blanket CAL Chapter 6B: Agatha Christie


Greenway Blanket CAL Chapter 6B: Agatha Christie

The Case of the Mysteriously Disappearing Blanket at Greenway

Pattern Chapter 6B:  Agatha Christie


Embark on the final chapter of our 2023 Mystery Crochet Along as we meticulously craft the back border in this Chapter 6B - Agatha Christie edition, bringing our crochet tale to a cozy conclusion. 

In this chapter, we venture into the last narrative of our crochet story, wrapping our cherished blanket with a fitting finale that encapsulates the mystery and camaraderie shared along this creative journey.

Back Border 

Round 1

SK, starting with a STST, place 2FPDC around each dc post on the short sides and around each CHSP on the long sides, in the corners place 2CH 

SS to close the round

TIP: do this very tightly so you do not get a wavy border 

Round 2

SK, starting with a STST, 1HDC in each st around

For the corners place 2HDC 2CH 2HDC around the CHSP of the previous round 

SS to close the round

Round 3

SK, starting with a STST, 1DC in each st around

For the corners place 2DC 2CH 2DC around the CHSP of the previous round 

SS to close the round

Round 4

SK, starting in a corner, going round the CHSP of both the back and front border, starting with a STST, place 2SC, 2CH and 2SC around the CHSP, then picking up the Vs from the adjacent stitches from the front and the back borders, create SC to close the border, along all the sides.

For the corners place 2SC 2CH 2SC around the two CHSP to join them. 

SS to close the round. 

‘Sew’ in your last end by pulling it into the border with your hook. 


CH            CHain

SK            SlipKnot

STST        STanding STitch

FPDC        Front Post Double Crochet

HDC          Half Double Crochet

DC            Double Crochet 

SC            Single Crochet

CHSP       CHainSPace

SS             SlipStitch

Colour Table Chapter 6A