Jam Jar Happiness Blanket CAL WEEK 1


Jam Jar Happiness Blanket CAL WEEK 1

Jam Jar Happiness Blanket Week 1

Please make sure you watch the video of every week all the way to the end, it contains a lot of information. Here is just a bit more information before we get started.

Please Note

When you change colours, you pull through the new colour when you do the last pull through of the last stitch of the previous row.

Leave ends of about 15 cm, do not sew them in. There is no need secure your ends by knotting them to the previous tail, but if you are happier doing that, you can. 

We are gong to use the turning chain of CH1, then disregard it and using the same stitch the ch1 came out of for our first stitch after turning. Place a stitch marker in the first stitch after you have made it if you think you will not remember which is the very first and very last stitch.

We might not use every colour every week, so there is no need to worry about that.
The 15 balls should be plenty. You will also be able to make the extra projects for this CAL too. 

Terminology and Key

I use American terminology and also make up my own stitches, so please do go and consult the Key each week, but the stitches are all clearly explained in the videos. 

Jam Jar Happiness 

Row 0      SK, CH 194

Week 1    Bluebell

Row 1         CH1, turn, 1DC in each st (194)

Row 2         CH1, turn, 1DC in the first st, sk 1, 3DC in the next st, *sk2, 3DC in the next st*, repeat *-* to end, sk1, 

                   1DC in the last st (64 clusters) 

Row 3         CH1, turn, 1DC in the first st, CH4, sk3, SC in between the clusters, *CH5, SC in between the next clusters* 

                    repeat *-* to end and CH4, sk 3st, 1DC in the last st. (64 loops)

Row 4         CH1, turn, 1DC in first st, 3DC around each loop created in the previous row, to end, 1DC in the last st (64 clusters)

Row 5         CH1, turn, 1DC in the first st, *CH1, sk1, 1DC in the next st*, repeat *-* to end. 1DC in last st. (96 boxes) 

                    so you have 2DCs in a row at the end

When you do Row 1 on top of Row 5 

place 1DC on top of the first 2sts and then place 2 DC in each box (around the CH) to end and 1DC on top of the last st.

Row 1 - 30 repeat rows 1 - 5 above in order 6 times in total 

Remember to change colours each row, check the table below for the colours  


SK    slipknot

CH    chain

SC    single crochet

DC    double crochet

st     stitch

sts        stitches

sk     skip

*_*     repeat between * * 

Happy Crocheting,  

Anja x