Mystery CAL 2021 Week 1: An Abundance Of Flowers


Mystery CAL 2021 Week 1: An Abundance Of Flowers

Week 1 An abundance of Flowers 


This week we are making a panel with 16 squares. I am using the Ophelia square I designed recently as I think it is the perfect square for what I want to achieve. The order of the squares and their colours are listed in the table down below. You make and join them straight away! Enjoy! 


Use the hook you usually use for this yarn, I used my trusty 3.5 mm and use the same hook throughout the project.

Ophelia Squares 

Round 1 SK, CH5, SS to make a circle, CH2, 15DC into the circle, SS, fasten off. (16)

Round 2 SK, YO, insert under any V, and do *2DC 2CH 2DC in that st, then 1HDC in the next 3st, and then in the next st,* repeat *-* another 3 times, SS to close the round, fasten off. (36)

Round 3 SK, YO, insert into a corner CHSP, *2DC 2CH 2DC into the CHSP, (CH1, sk1, 1DC in the next st), repeat (-) twice more, CH1 sk1*, repeat *-* another 3 times, SS to close the round, fasten off. (52)

Round 4 SK, YO, insert into a corner CHSP, *2DC 2CH 2DC into the CHSP, sk1, 1DC in the next 9 st, sk1*, repeat *-* another 3 times, SS to close the round, fasten off. (60)

(For a neater look, pick up the V of the CH and don’t go round them when doing the sides.)

Join as you go. 

Make the squares according to the colour instructions, one at a time, in number order. Square 1 is done completely (all 4 rounds). 

From Square 2 onwards you are going to use Round 4 to join the square you are working on to the previous square. You start by doing one corner and one side on the current square, then upon starting the next corner, you do half the corner (2DC and 1CH) and then you join it to the corner of the previous square with a SS into the CHSP of the corner. Then complete the corner (1CH and 2DC) on the square you were working on. Skip two DCs on the previous square and do a SS in between the 2nd and 3rd DC. Now start doing the stitches along the side (9DCs) on the current square and every 3rd DC you go over to the previous square and skip 3DCS and insert to do a SS. Continue like this along your side. You skip 2DCs at the corners. 

From Square 6 you will be attaching on two sides and will be joining the middle of the corner to the CHSP of the corner opposite it. Then do the second side.

Then complete the remainder of round 4, SS to close the round.  

Remember to work in the number order as listed in the table.  Sew in the ends.

List of colours 

Follow the order indicated in the table below. 

Thank you very much for taking part in this CAL, Enjoy creating your first week! Anja xxx 


SK    SlipKnot

YO    Yarn Over     

CHSP    CHain SPace 

HDC     Half Double Crochet

DC    Double Crochet 

CH    Chain 

sk    skip

st     stitch

SS    SlipStitch

V    at the top of a stitch there are two strands which look like a V