Windermere Blanket CAL Week 4
Pattern Week 4: Mrs Tittlemouse
In this week’s story we learn all about Mrs Tittlemouse, who likes to keep a clean house and does not like unexpected visitors making her house dirty.
Mrs. Tittlemouse is very annoyed by the unannounced visit of Mr Jackson who walks around her house as if he owns the place and put his feet all over her furniture.
She is not a happy mouse.
She is glad he leaves so she can get back to cleaning.
Row 1: Mrs Tittlemouse
CH1, turn, 1DC in same st, CH1, sk1st, 1DC in the next st,
*1DC around the CHSP, 1FPDC around the next st*, repeat 94 times, 1DC around the CHSP,
1DC on top of the DC, CH1, sk1st, 1DC in last st. (195)
Blanket: (189DCs and 2 boxes)
Sampler: 21DCs and 2 boxes
Demo size: 27 DCs and 2 boxes
Layla blanket: 63 DCs and 2 boxes
Row 2: Mr Jackson
CH1, turn, 1DC in same st, CH1, sk1st, 1DC in the next st,
CH1, *sk1st, 3DCTOG in next st, CH1*, repeat *-* to end, sk1st,
1DC on top of the DC, CH1, sk1st, 1DC in last st. (195)
Blanket: (94 clusters, 1CH and 2 boxes)
Sampler: 10 clusters, 1CH and 2 boxes
Demo size: 13 clusters, 1CH and 2 boxes
Layla blanket: 31 clusters, 1CH and 2 boxes
Row 3: Ginger
CH1, turn, 1DC in same st, CH1, sk1st, 1DC in the next st,
CH1, sk2st, *3DCTOG CH2 3DCTOG in between the next 2 clusters of the row below, sk4st*, repeat *-* 46 times, 3DCTOG CH2 3DCTOG in between the next 2 clusters of the row below, sk2st,
1DC on top of the DC, CH1, sk1st, 1DC in last st. (195)
Blanket: (47 double Vs and 2 boxes)
Sampler: 5 double Vs and 2 boxes
Demo size: 6 double Vs, 3DCs and 2 boxes (do the row as follows
CH1, turn, 1DC in same st, CH1, sk1st, 1DC in the next st,
CH1, sk2st, *3DCTOG CH2 3DCTOG in between the next 2 clusters of the row below, sk4st*, repeat *-* 6 times,
1DC on top of the DC, CH1, sk1st, 1DC in last st.)
Layla blanket: 15 double Vs, 3DCs and 2 boxes (do the row as follows
CH1, turn, 1DC in same st, CH1, sk1st, 1DC in the next st,
2DC, *3DCTOG CH2 3DCTOG in between the next 2 clusters of the row below, sk4st*, repeat *-* 14 times,
3DCTOG CH2 3DCTOG in between the next 2 clusters of the row below, sk1st, 1DC,
1DC on top of the DC, CH1, sk1st, 1DC in last st.)
Row 4: Pickles
CH1, turn, 1DC in same st, CH1, sk1st, 1DC in the next st,
CH1, *4DC into each CH2SP of the row below*, repeat *-* to end, (189)
1DC in the next st, CH1, sk1st, 1DC in last st. (195)
Blanket: (189 DCs (or 47 clusters) and 2 boxes)
Sampler: 21 DCs (or 5 clusters) and 2 boxes
Demo size: 27 DCs (or 6 clusters and 3DCs ) and 2 boxes (do the row as follows
CH1, turn, 1DC in same st, CH1, sk1st, 1DC in the next st,
2DC, 4DC into each CH2SP of the row below, sk1st, 1DC (27)
1DC in the next st, CH1, sk1st, 1DC in last st. (33))
Layla blanket: 63 DCs (or 15 clusters and 3 DCs) and 2 boxes. (do the row as follows
CH1, turn, 1DC in same st, CH1, sk1st, 1DC in the next st,
2DC, 4DC into each CH2SP of the row below, sk1st, 1DC (63)
1DC in the next st, CH1, sk1st, 1DC in last st. (69))
Row 5: Peter
CH1, turn, 1DC in same st, *CH1, sk1st, 1DC in the next st*, repeat to end
Blanket: (97 boxes or 195 sts)
Sampler: 13 boxes
Demo size: 16 boxes
Layla blanket: 34 boxes
Row 91-120
Repeat rows 1, 2 , 3, 4 and 5 in order each time changing colour. See the colour table below.
CH chain
SK SlipKnot
sk skip
st stitch
sk1st skip one stitch
sk2st skip two stitches
FPDC Front Post Double Crochet
3DCTOG Three double crochets done half in the same location, finished together
DC Double Crochet
CH2SP CHainSpace made up of 2CH
Enjoy your story this week, with Peter Rabbit and friends,
Enjoy crocheting,
Anja x