Windermere Blanket CAL Week 5


Windermere Blanket CAL Week 5

Pattern Week 5: Tom Kitten 

In this week’s story we learn all about Tom Kitten, who is one of those exceptionally naughty kittens, not that he sets out to be, things just always seem to turnout that way. 

He cannot keep an outfit clean! 

Row 1 Kep the Collie

CH1, turn, 1DC in same st, CH1, sk1st, 1DC in the next st, 

*1DC around the CHSP, 1DC on top of the st below*, repeat 94 times, 1DC around the CHSP, 

1DC on top of the DC, CH1, sk1st, 1DC in last st. (195)

Blanket (189 DCs and 2 boxes) 

Sampler 21DCs and 2 boxes

Demo size 27 DCs and 2 boxes

Layla blanket 63 DCs and 2 boxes

Row 2: Mittens

CH1, turn, 1DC in same st, CH1, sk1st, 1DC in the next st, 

1DC in the next st, *sk1st, 1DC CH1 1DC (=V) in the next st, sk1st, 1DC in the next st*, repeat *-*  47 times  

1DC on top of the DC, CH1, sk1st, 1DC in last st. (195)

Blanket (47 Vs, 1DC and 2 boxes) 

Sampler 5Vs and 2 boxes

Demo size 6.5 Vs and 2 boxes (do the row as follows

CH1, turn, 1DC in same st, CH1, sk1st, 1DC in the next st, 

1DC in the next st, *sk1st, 1DC CH1 1DC (=V) in the next st, sk1st, 1DC in the next st*, repeat *-*  6 times, sk1st, 1DC CH1 in the next st.  

1DC on top of the DC, CH1, sk1st, 1DC in last st. (33)

Layla blanket  13.5Vs and 2 boxes (do the row as follows 

CH1, turn, 1DC in same st, CH1, sk1st, 1DC in the next st, 

1DC in the next st, *sk1st, 1DC CH1 1DC (=V) in the next st, sk1st, 1DC in the next st*, repeat *-*  13 times, sk1st, 1DC CH1 in the next st.  

1DC on top of the DC, CH1, sk1st, 1DC in last st. (69)

Row 3: Tom Kitten

CH1, turn, 1DC in same st, CH1, sk1st, 1DC in the next st, 

*1FPDC around the next st, sk1st, CH1, 5DCPOP around the CHSP of the V below, CH1, sk1st*, repeat *-* 47 times, FPDC around the next st, 

1DC on top of the DC, CH1, sk1st, 1DC in last st. (195)

Blanket (47 POPs) 1FPDC and 2 boxes) 

Sampler 5 POPs, 1FPDC and 2 boxes

Demo size 6.5 POPs and 2 boxes. (do the row as follows

CH1, turn, 1DC in same st, CH1, sk1st, 1DC in the next st, 

3DCPOP around the first CHSP, *1FPDC around the next st, sk1st, CH1, 5DCPOP around the CHSP of the V below, CH1, sk1st*, repeat *-* 6 times, FPDC around the next st, 

1DC on top of the DC, CH1, sk1st, 1DC in last st. (33) 

Layla blanket 9.5 POPs and 2 boxes (do the row as follows

CH1, turn, 1DC in same st, CH1, sk1st, 1DC in the next st, 

3DCPOP around the first CHSP, *1FPDC around the next st, sk1st, CH1, 5DCPOP around the CHSP of the V below, CH1, sk1st*, repeat *-* 9 times, FPDC around the next st, 

1DC on top of the DC, CH1, sk1st, 1DC in last st. (96)

Row 4: Timmy Tiptoes

CH1, turn, 1DC in same st, CH1, sk1st, 1DC in the next st, 

1DC in first st, *2DC into each CHSP*, repeat *-*  94 times,


1DC in the next st, CH1, sk1st, 1DC in last st.

Blanket (94 dainty clusters, 1DC  and 2 boxes) 

Sampler 10 dainty clusters, 1DC  and 2 boxes

Demo size 13 dainty clusters, 1DC  and 2 boxes

Layla blanket 31 dainty clusters, 1DC  and 2 boxes

Row 5: Peter

CH1, turn, 1DC in same st, *CH1, sk1st, 1DC in the next st*, repeat to end  

Blanket (97 boxes or 195 sts) 

Sampler 13 boxes

Demo size 16 boxes

Layla blanket 34 boxes

Row 121-150

Repeat rows 1, 2 , 3, 4 and 5 in order each time changing colour. 

See the colour table below. 


CH        chain

SK        SlipKnot

sk         skip

st        stitch

sk1st        skip one stitch 

sk2st        skip two stitches

V        1DC 1CH 1DC in same stitch

DC        Double Crochet 

CHSP        CHainSPace

5DCPOP    5DCs in one location, pull up the loop, take the hook out of the loop, insert under the V of the first DC, then place the loop back on the hook and pull the loop through the stitch.

Enjoy your story this week, with Peter Rabbit and friends, 

Enjoy crocheting, 

Anja x